Windows Server – Redirecting new accounts

Windows LogoAt work we have our AD set up so that when we add a new computer to the domain the computer account gets redirected to an OU that we created instead of the default location of “Computers”. I’ve wondered how that was done for some time, but never took a minute to search. So today I was setting up a lab environment and decided to look into redirecting new computer accounts. What I found out was it is really easy to do. All you do is run one command from a command prompt on our Domain Controller and your done.

Here are the commands –

For Computer Accounts: redircmp container-dn(container-dn is the full path to the OU you created)
Example: redircmp ou=mycomputers,DC=contoso,dc=com

For User Accounts: redirusr container-dn (container-dn is the full path to the OU you created)
Example: redirusr ou=myusers,DC=contoso,dc=com

I did this on Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Controller, but the article I’m referencing below is for Windows 2003 Server so it looks like the command hasn’t changed.

I’m glad it was simple and wish I’d looked into this sooner.

Source: Microsoft

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